
Information and Technology News

The Historic Strain on Colleges

College is one of the greatest determining factors of success in the modern world, yet still, for more and more people every year, it’s just not worth the investment. Undergraduate enrollment fell by over 7% from 2019 to 2021, a historic decrease. What’s causing this dramatic shift in college enrollment? The answer is naturally complex, …

Finding Economic Stability Through Gold Investments

Historically, gold has been a fantastic investment to protect against economic volatility.  In an age of inflation, gold is a stable choice.  Since the early 1930s, the U.S. dollar has lost 99% of its value against gold.  Amidst the shutdowns due to COVID-19, supply and demand were greatly affected.  Due to this, our economy is …

Richart Ruddie | Most Successful 3D Animation Companies

Richart Ruddie said videos are now the most popular type of media for modern viewers. They prefer watching videos rather than listening to or reading and explaining something. This is because videos can help in explaining the concept, showing, or instructing something. This is why it has been able to become the most effective marketing tool. It is …

The Mandela Effect and Your Memory

For anyone that’s ever had Jiffy peanut butter, read the Berenstain Bears, or owned a Monopoly box with a monocled Monopoly man on it, well, check again. These are three examples of what has now been deemed the Mandela Effect. Named after the misremembering of Nelson Mandel’s death in 1980. Jiffy peanut butter is simply …

3 Ways To Ensure All Of Your Certificates Are Secure

3 Ways To Ensure All Of Your Certificates Are Secure

Businesses of all sizes rely on digital certificates to keep their data safe. Certificates provide a layer of security that helps protect your company from hackers and identity thieves. If you are responsible for managing a company’s digital certificates, it is essential to ensure they are always secure. This article will discuss three ways to …

Features to Look for When Shopping for a New Phone Case

Smartphone repair technicians know more than most people about the stupid things people do. Shakespeare is great at making sharp observations about people, but the people who fix our phones see us at our most vulnerable, with broken hardware in our hands and usually some embarrassing mistake to confess.  Some companies have seen everything. A …

How to Effectively Find Your Audience on Social Media

Social media is the most effective way to find an audience today. With millions of users in the United States alone, effectively marketing your content on social media can lead to great success. It can be difficult to cater to so many users though, so it is important to understand how to best use social …

How Probiotics Work to Improve Your Health

Probiotics are some of the most popular health supplements used across the country. With over 20 million Americans suffering from a chronic digestive disease, people look to probiotics to help heal their digestive system. So how do probiotics work, and do they actually help people feel better? Probiotics are marketed as helping to build “good …

Why You Should be Using Facebook Watch to Build Your Brand

As of 2022, Facebook is the most-used social media platform in the world, with users spending an average of 19.6 hours per month browsing the site. This dependence can be harnessed into a marketer’s dream, giving you access to millions of receptive individuals who could benefit from your product or service.   As an entrepreneur or …

Generation Z: The Newest Addition to the Economy

Gen Z is made up of more than 2 billion young people! Gen Zers all fall between the ages of 10 and 22, meaning the vast majority of them are starting to make and spend their own money and are thinking about the products and brands they want to support. With such a large group …