Maximize Employee Satisfaction and Effectively Measure Learning and Development ROI

Information and Technology News

Maximize Employee Satisfaction and Effectively Measure Learning and Development ROI

Learning and Development has significant influence on revenue — by widely sharing their metrics, professionals boost leadership’s confidence and prove that employee skills have improved. Professionals are encouraged to go fully digital to save time and money. According to Forbes, a single one-time, in-person training event can cost $40,000. Moreover, research finds that digital training provides companies with the opportunity to deliver more digestible information. In addition to going digital, professionals are encouraged to demonstrate that the L&D team is spending time on developing training that matters and that employees are learning the way that they are supposed to. 

However, online models are not always cheaper than in-person models. For instance, LinkedIn Learning, a common online learning platform, costs $180K per 1,000 learners. Similarly, Articulate, a course authoring tool, costs $120K per 1,000 learners. Furthermore, most employees are not even satisfied with their outcomes on these online learning platforms. 

To effectively measure L&D ROI, professionals need to acquire a corporate learning program with purpose, accessibility, and science-backed content — all of which the Arist ROI Calculator provides. The Arist ROI Calculator is an effective tool to help L&D professionals build a learning outcomes-focused culture. Arist is a microlearning platform that enables quicker iteration and higher engagement from employees. Unlike traditional processes of measuring ROI, Arist boosts ROI and revenue by helping employees feel more confident in performing their roles, increasing the adoption of learning by 90% and increasing the speed of learning creation by 95%. 

Measuring the ROI of corporate learning
Source: Arist