Tag: ai

Information and Technology News

What to Know About Chatbots and How They Are Used

Introduction Chatbots are widely used today to help businesses grow and flourish. But what are chatbots? How are they used and how do they work? Read on to learn all that and more. Here is what you should know about chatbots and how they are used.   What is a chatbot? A chatbot is a …

Robotic hand holding an "AI" chip

Ross Levinsohn, Sports Illustrated CEO, Recognizes Responsibility in Using AI for Publication

Digital transformation is causing disruption in virtually every industry, including publication, mentioned Ross Levinsohn, Sports Illustrated CEO, during recent interviews. Specifically, he addressed the issues faced by Arena Group’s publications by adding artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to its business. While recognizing AI’s capabilities as part of publication processes, Levinsohn also acknowledged potential drawbacks. By implementing …

Dr. Joel Arun Sursas Discusses Regulatory and Algorithm Limitations for AI in Medicine

Algorithms in medicine have shown many potential benefits to both doctors and patients thus far. However, regulating these algorithms is a difficult task. Clarified guidelines from the FDA, among other criteria, could help specify requirements for algorithms and could result in an uptick of clinically deployed algorithms. Proper understanding of algorithms’ limitations and adequate knowledge …