Cloud Monitoring: Empowering Cloud Businesses to be Better

Information and Technology News

Cloud Monitoring: Empowering Cloud Businesses to be Better

Cloud operations are quickly becoming a cornerstone of modern business. Half of all business workloads are cloud-integrated, and the number is likely to rise even higher with improvements in cloud technology. But what are some things that keep the cloud from developing an even stronger foothold in the commercial industry?

The vital nature of metrics and data is juxtaposed by the difficulty to assemble the data into an easily perceived format. For many network engineers, the tools provided prove inefficient for gathering data and the numerous platforms utilized prove too difficult to analyze it. As a result, 48% of companies report troubleshooting delays and 31% report performance issues and complete outages. One main cause of this may be ineffective infrastructure leading to the inability to test performance before deploying a network change.However, with every problem inevitably comes a solution. In this case, cloud monitoring has proved the best way to mitigate traditional cloud service problems. When cloud monitoring is implemented, it is almost unanimously decided the business becomes inherently more valuable. This is likely due to the mean time to resolution dropping and significantly reduced service risks. By introducing network monitoring, the poor network visibility clears up and network engineers are empowered to better maintain and operate their networks.

The Importance of Cloud Monitoring & Why It’s So Hard
Source: Live Action