How To Hire Remote Workers
The world is slowly shifting to a remote-heavy workforce, and with good reason. The recent viral outbreak has made it necessary to remain away from public gatherings and spaces until the danger subsides. Businesses stand to benefit from this as much as workers. Business News Daily notes that working from home increases productivity. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses don’t have protocols in place for hiring remotely. Public speaking personnel such as Dr. Prem Jagyasi are exceptions to the rule since their reputation speaks for themselves. However, for other staff, a business needs to figure out its hiring protocol for remote workers. This article will cover the things that companies should look for when hiring their remote employees.
1. Proactive Approach to Problems
The Harvard Business Review mentions that there are times when an employee should be proactive and when they should defer to authority. In a standard workplace environment, this is a valid case since the hierarchy exists to ensure that workers follow protocol. However, when an employee starts working from home, he or she can’t be in constant contact with their higher-ups as if they were in the same building. The onus for making individual decisions falls to the employee. Having a proactive employee in such a position can be a blessing to their direct manager and the business as a whole. Encouraging employees to make their own decisions comes with helping them understand the company’s vision and mission as a whole.
2. Direct and Rapid Communication
Employees should know when to communicate. In a remote environment, communication and accessibility are essential because some projects are on a strict timeline. Forbes suggests that communication should be fostered as part of the company culture if remote working is to succeed. Clear, concise communication skills, therefore, should be part of the package that a business looks for when hiring a new employee. They should be able to voice their concerns freely when necessary. Additionally, they should never be unreachable during work hours.
3. Teachability
Most university graduates are unaware of the work environment they enter in their first job. This response stems from the fact that university degrees don’t really teach students much; they just act as signposts that the employee is teachable. Teachability is a crucial component in finding the right fit for remote work within a company. Your business will grow and evolve as time goes by, and you need someone who will be able to adapt to its development. Teachability is a long-term consideration that helps you to find staff that benefits the business throughout their employment.
Not the End of the World
While the global economic slowdown has impacted businesses severely, they continue to operate in a limited fashion as they get used to the new restrictions. The world has changed, and industries have changed along with it. Hiring remote employees isn’t an option anymore. Having a guideline for what those employees should demonstrate sets a framework for hiring the most competent workers for your company.