Technology is Redefining the Way We Think
Ken Kurson and other media analysts have written extensively about the vast amount of ways that the media industry has changed in recent years. Indeed, technology has in large part been the driving force behind these changes. Many print outlets have transitioned to serving their audiences and consumer bases only as digital platforms. That’s a trend that’s understandable given the economic conditions of the media world at the present moment.
Indeed, this has brought a fair amount of challenges to media publishers and their editorial staffs. But it’s also allowed a level of accessibility between the media properties, its journalists, and their respective audiences – that never could have been thought imaginable.
The social media space in particular allows journalists to humanize themselves and interact in real-time and directly communicate with their readers. This is an extraordinary development; and the usage of this platform for that purpose is indeed a constructive usage of this advent. According to analysts like Ken Kurson, this trend will only persist and continue for years to come.