Using Technology to Promote Wellness
Helen Schifter has been a passionate advocate for ways to employ technology to promote the health and wellness movement. The movement is one that seeks to educate the public about the need to prize their health and wellness; and not sacrifice their quality of life as it pertains to their physical health, at the expense of their other endeavors.
According to Helen Schifter, this is a matter that needs to be taken seriously; and there is no indication that it has in the past, nor that the trend will change anytime soon for the better. The reason this is important is that is indeed in the public interest. The American way of life should be one where the authorities seek to create an environment where physical conditions of its citizens are as positive as humanly possible.
While tragic and unfortunate, it is also of course understandable, why the physical health of people has been thrown by the waist-side in favor of other interests that might be entrepreneurial-driven and motivated by other factors. But American needs to be a shining light and example to the rest of the world not only for its democratic values. It also needs to be a shining example to the rest of the world for having the highest average age expectancy among its citizens. A healthy public is a healthy nation.
For that reason (among other obvious ones), the government should be taking this matter much more seriously. It is a travesty of justice that there are third world countries that have in some cases more healthy citizens than does America. But as we’ve seen the food industry become increasingly commercialized; with a substantial shift toward fast and fried food, it’s understandable.
So how can this trajectory be changed you might ask? Well, technology can certainly play a pivotal role in compelling a dramatic change that will be impactful. There are sorts of products of technological innovation and development that can give rise to a proper movement seeking to promote healthier living. For instance, there should be an influencer-driven campaign that ought to be proposed backed by public and private sector forces, that seeks to advance the interests of health and wellness among the public.
The public sector has a role to play in such a prospective campaign and should not be hiding behind the veil or the excuse that this somehow is a matter that is solely up to the individual, and therefore the private sector. Once again, it is clearly in the public interest for there to be a healthier general populace. As such, the public sector should provide technological and financial backing and support to ensure the success of any such prospective campaign.
The technological advancements of recent years can also help ensure that the important message of such an influencer-driven campaign is heard loud and clear, and maximized – in terms of the number of people that hear it . How should the influencers themselves be chosen?
There are different ways to consider who the influencers ought to be. But no matter how the approach is cultivated, there needs to be a carefully crafted list based on who the public is most inclined to be receptive to, and to listen to. There lies the value of having influencers communicate this important message to the public writ large.