Ways to Leverage Your Alumni Networks for Professional Success
Networking is critical to professional success. Yet for many, it’s also intimidating. You may feel like you’re asking too much of a complete stranger. The truth is that many people are happy to help others and you know more professionals than you think.
When deciding who to consider part of your professional network, alumni groups are a great place to start. The good news is that you don’t have to maintain these groups yourself. Both colleges and businesses maintain alumni networks for their own benefit. Universities rely on alumni donations for fundraising and businesses use alumni to drive referrals and access larger labor pools.
Yet for members like you, benefits include community, mentorship, and access to exclusive opportunities. Professionals of all ages rely on alumni connections to get informational interviews, promotions, and even investment into new business ventures! Entrepreneurs who went to schools with large alumni networks raise more early-stage capital than other entrepreneurs. In the initial stages, founders’ connections to education networks matter more than school quality or geography.
How can you connect with old classmates or coworkers? Send them a message through email or on LinkedIn. Invite them to lunch. You get what you give from your network.