Author: Abigail

Information and Technology News

Dave Antrobus Discusses the 6 Biggest Tech Trends To Come in 2021

Technologies that will accelerate businesses across all sectors over the next 12 months.

New San Francisco CDO R&D Center Brings Samsung Biologics “Next Door” to Global Clients

Samsung Biologics has firmly established itself as a reliable partner for its contract development services, offering unsurpassed manufacturing capacities and advanced research capabilities. Now, the company is further expanding its operations by opening its first US CDO Research and Development Center in San Francisco, California.  Moving Next Door By becoming the “Next Door CDO Partner,” …

Smile Direct Club’s Affordable Alternative to Metal Braces

Why so many patients are opting for clear aligner therapy over traditional braces Those who have invested in traditional braces know how hefty the cost can be to straighten a smile. The average cost in the United States is $5,600. This is a high price to pay for a smile you’ll love when Smile Direct …

Liu Qiangdong Chairs During the Best Quarter Has Ever Seen

As head of, China’s largest online retailer, Liu Qiangdong has seen his company soar to meteoric heights, with yearly revenues exceeding $80 billion dollars. Although there has been a tremendous amount of economic damage resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic,’s 2020 second quarter has been absolutely stellar, with revenue rising as high as $28.5 …

The History Of Email Technology

Nowadays, everyone is so consumed with their professional lives that they forget that back in the day, people did not have the technological access that they do now. The history of emails extends well past fifty years and the email technology back then is nowhere as advanced as it is now. Historians like Shalom Lamm, …

Is G Suite Truly Secure?

The Truth About Our DNA

Our DNA is composed of the materials that make us unique. No one shares the same DNA and it is the way all living things and organisms maintain life. It actually means deoxyribonucleic acid. The is the genetic material that determines the makeup of all living cells and is located in many viruses as well …

The Demand For Electric Cars

There is a strong demand for electric cars as we move forward into this century. 2020 has already thrown many people off their ballgame given the remarks on climate change and the effects it has had on the plants. California has been on fire as well as Australia. Many ecosystems have been ruined because of …

Technological Advancements Online

There have been many technological advancements in the last two decades. Since the beginning of technology, there has been almost a one hundred and eighty degree turnaround in what has happened since then. The amount of people who are now engaging in social media and technology is astonishing. Millions and millions of people, like Alexander …

What Is The Life Of A Broadcaster

There is a lot that television and radio broadcasters have to do during the stay. Writers like Benjamin Harow have been fascinated with how broadcasters work. The typical day consists of many tasks. Both have a very early rise. Television broadcasters are usually in the studio by three-thirty am. This is because they need to …

Pollution Based On Social Media

Pollution is incredibly harmful to the environment. It is caused by substances that create air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, light pollution, and noise pollution. These all are differentiated by the materials that pollute the different surface areas. For example, the chemicals found in many sewer plants, treatment facilities, and factories pollute the rivers and …