Ken Kurson on Technology Affecting Media
Ken Kurson has led a career in the media industry spanning several decades. The impact that technology has had on the media industry has been vast and multi-dimensional. For one, the ways that consumers read and watch news has changed dramatically in recent years. The internet and the advents of digital and social media have played a central and pivotal role in totally redefining the landscape in a drastic way.
According to analysts like Ken Kurson, these changes aren’t necessarily bad. Instead, they actually can present opportunity for savvy media professionals seeking to communicate their messages and work to as vast an audience as possible. With the continued proliferation of the blogosphere for example, there have been an incredible amount of opportunities for journalists and writing professionals to take advantage of, in order to share their thoughts and insights about a wide array of different subjects.
The Forward and other outlets have been ahead of the curve in terms of recognizing the future of journalism, and how digitally-oriented it has and will continue to become. The reality is that television has also become a somewhat stale medium. We’ve seen an increase in consumption on the part of viewers, of Youtube and alternative digital platforms that stream video as opposed to watching television or cable news.
This has also been reflected in the ratings which have dropped steadily across television news, in recent years. These diminishing audience trends and patterns will only continue as technology continues developing. People prefer watching short sound-bites of their favorite programs and on-air personalities on Youtube or other streaming services, as opposed to having to sit through an entire program.
As digital media and the blogosphere have continued developing at a rapid pace, these patterns and trends will only continue speeding up in terms of their velocity. The changes that have developed do indeed present some opportunities for those working in media, on the production side. The opportunities can indeed be used in constructive ways that allow publishers and others in senior level positions to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the make-up of their audiences.
For example, due to technology programs available to them such as Google Analytics, a publisher can sort through the demographic make-up of their audiences, and develop a better understanding of the needs, wants and desires of their audience members. They can also more deeply hone into the type of reading or viewing patterns those audience members have.
Which personalities or journalists do they especially enjoy reading? This can be done or judged based on how much time an audience member might be spending watching or reading a particular piece. Of course, beyond an analysis across these bounds, it can also be done according to subject or topic.
This allows publishers and editorial staffs to gain a better understanding of the type of written or broadcast work their readers and viewers especially appreciate. Of course, it then leaves their staffs with the opportunity to capitalize on this information in a way that proves to be beneficial for both parties involved. They can produce content that’s ultimately valuable and an accurate reflection of the desires of their outlet’s respective audience members.